Paltalk uses your Windows 'default playback device' to play sound through your speakers or headphones. The Paltalk app will usually have this pre-selected for you, but if you are having problems you may want to check these settings to make sure that what you are selecting as 'speakers' within the Paltalk app, is the same device that Windows wants to use to play sound.
Right click on the speaker icon (usually at the bottom right of your monitor screen)

Now select 'open sound settings' from the popup menu.

On the right side of the screen select 'sound control panel'.

When the sound control panel opens, click on the 'playback' tab at the top of the window.
Click on your 'speakers / headphones' selection and then click on the 'set as default' selection. If you pick a different default playback device, be sure to select it under the 'speakers' menu within Paltalk's Video & Audio settings.

Now click the 'apply' button.
Now start up Paltalk and open the settings window by clicking on the little 'sliders' icon above the pal list area (where your online pals are listed)
Click on 'video and audio' on the left side of the settings window.
Use the 'speaker' drop down menu to select your playback device. This is usually the 'default' playback device that you had set previously in the sound control panel.
Now try joining some rooms. You should be able to hear people speaking or playing music.