When you register your account with Paltalk you are asked to choose a 'secret question'.

You are then asked to give the 'secret answer' to your 'secret question'.

This information is critical to obtaining customer service or for the use of our automated account maintenance applications like the http://my.Paltalk.com website.

Any time you wish to make changes to your account you will be asked to answer your 'secret question' with your 'secret answer'. If you do not know this information, the change will fail.

We recommend that you DO NOT SUBSCRIBE for any of our services if you do not know the information for your nickname.

You CANNOT retrieve this information about your account if you are not a paid subscriber! Even then it is a difficult process to confirm ownership of your account.

If you do not know this information and wish to subscribe to a Paltalk service, please create a new nickname and be sure to keep a log of your registration information on paper for future reference.

If you are a paid subscriber and forget your 'secret question and answer' we can attempt to help you if you provide accurate and complete record of your payment information at the time you subscribed.

Once your 'secret question and answer' have been reset you must log into 'mypaltalk' and elect to make a change to some part of your account - at that point you will be prompted to pick a new secret question and answer - write it down and keep it in a safe place in case you need it again in the future.