Paltalk contains chat rooms with different 'ratings'. We use a system similar to the American movie industry.

G rated rooms are not allowed to have foul language or nudity

R rated rooms may contain foul language but no nudity

A rated rooms may contain foul language and nudity

When you enter a room you will see the room rating posted in the text chat area.

G rated and R rated rooms are shown together by default within the room browser.  Be sure to check the rating of a room when you enter it.

A rated 'adult' rooms are not listed by default.  If you would like to include A rated rooms, click on the '18+' switch at the top right of the room browser.
Green = on (show A rooms), Gray = off (do not show)


A rated 'adult' rooms will show a '18+' badge in the room browser.  You must be over the 'age of consent' in your country of residence in order to participate in A rated adult rooms.

Note:  A rated rooms are not listed in our mobile apps, but any room that you 'follow' will be shown on the app's home screen when you log in.