If you want to turn the web cam required switch on or off for your chat room, please visit www.paltalk.com and log in at the top right of the page using the nickname and password that you own the room under.

Once you are logged in click on the 'edit room' link in the 'my room section'.

Select 'room access' from the left side of the page, and then click on the 'edit' button near the top right.

To enable the web cam requirement, place a check mark in the 'Members must turn on their Webcam to join my room' check box, and then click the 'save' button near the bottom right of the page.

To disable the web cam requirement, un-check the 'Members must turn on their Webcam to join my room' check box, and then click the 'save' button near the bottom right of the page.

That will turn off the setting and people will no longer have to turn on their web cams to stay in the room.

You should close then re-open your room for the setting to take effect.