Settings and preferences

To get to Paltalk settings, click on the settings icon just above your list of pals

The general settings area has several functions.

Log Out
 Logs you out of Paltalk.

Stat Paltalk When I Start Windows
 Starts Paltalk as soon as your computer is booted up.

 Turn the switch off to disable this feature if you like.

Set my status to away after 10 minutes
 Automatically changes your displayed status from 'online' to 'away' after a period of inactivity.

Layout Options:
 Use multi-window mode – Splits the app into separate windows.
 Use compact mode – Eliminates profile bubbles and other elements to save space.

Set Language
 Picks the language that you would like to use to display paltalk menus and functions.

Show profile pics in pal list
 Switches between profile thumbnails or colored circles to display in your pal list.

When I sign in show
 Chooses what panel you would like to display when you log in.

Save File In
 Allows you to select the folder where all file transfers are saved. (not yet available)

Microphone Hot Key

Pick a key on your keyboard that you want to use instead of your mouse when you want to speak to a chat room.  Hold the key down while speaking, then release it when you are finished. ‘Push to Talk’