Already have a Paltalk account? Log in!

If you already have a Paltalk account, select the log in method you wish to use. Log in with your nickname, an email address, phone number, Facebook, Google, or Apple. 

Log in with a Nickname

Enter in your Nickname and password and log in! 

If you have 2 factor authentication enabled, you will be prompted to enter in your 6 digit code sent to your phone. 

Log in with an Email Address

Enter in your email address. If your email is registered, you will be given a list of nicknames associated with your email to select from. Click the nickname you wish to login with. 

If your email is not registered, you will be prompted to create a new account with the email you entered. Sign up with an email address.

Log in with a Phone Number

Enter in your phone number under the phone tab. If your phone number is registered with us, you will be given a list of nicknames associated with your number. Click the nickname you wish to login with. 

If your phone number is not registered, you will be prompted to create a new account with the number you entered. Sign up with a phone number.

Log in with Facebook, Google, or Apple

Login with your Facebook, Google, or Apple credentials. If you registered your social account with us when signing up, you will be given a list of nicknames associated with your account. Click the nickname you wish to login with. 

If your social account is not registered, you will be prompted to create a new account with the number you entered. Sign up with Facebook, Google, or Apple.

Sign up now!

If you don't have an account with us, go ahead and click the 'Sign up' button to join in on the fun!  It's easy and it's FREE.